Professional headshot of Erika Nesvold. She is smiling and looking straight at the camera.

About Me

I spend most of my time thinking about outer space from a variety of perspectives.

With a PhD in physics and a background in computational astrophysics research, I enjoy teaching computers how to simulate the universe. I’m currently an Astrophysicist and Developer for the astronomy-educational-software-masquerading-as-a-video-game Universe Sandbox.

But I also look at space from the human perspective: How will we learn from history, ethics, and the social sciences to build a better future in space? I started exploring this question while producing and hosting the limited podcast series Making New Worlds. I also co-founded a nonprofit organization, the JustSpace Alliance, with the mission to advocate for a more inclusive and ethical future in space, and to harness visions of tomorrow for a more just and equitable world today.

I have two books on space, ethics, and social justice: Off-Earth: Ethical Questions and Quandaries for Living in Outer Space, authored by me and published by MIT Press, is adapted and updated from my Making New Worlds podcast. Reclaiming Space: Progressive and Multicultural Visions of Space Exploration, from Oxford University Press, is an anthology I’ve co-edited with James Schwartz and Linda Billings.

I also have a free newsletter about space ethics, also called Making New Worlds! You can subscribe below.